Quoting Jim Seach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thanks!
> I tried out your quickstart instructions with JDK 1.3 and Tomcat 3.2.3
> on Windows 98 and it worked like a charm.  The background and detail
> sections are well written and contain valuable information.
> Nice Job!

Cool, thanks =)

I can't really take credit for the quickstart steps, since I basically just 
cribbed what was already in the server.xml comments for that. I'm definitely 
glad you found the background and general info sections readable, as that's one 
of those areas where you can never really tell if people will get anything out 
of it or not.

It's also good to know that everything went according to plan on 3.2.3, since I 
hadn't even tested them against that branch. Thanks for the feedback!

- Christopher

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