Patrick Luby wrote:
> Pier,
> Hmmm. I could only find the setuid() calls in the parent process that launches
> Tomcat. I couln't find any code JNI code (or a shared library) that Tomcat could
> use to temporarily switch the user back to root immediately before binding a
> ServerSocket object and then switching the user back immediately after. Maybe
> that code already exists somewhere else? If so, let me know where it is and I
> will definitely use it.

Costin has started something like that in
jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native/jni/jk_jni_aprImpl.c the way is the good
one: Use APR to save porting problems.

> BTW, I like the native startup executable that you wrote. I made a proposal to
> this list last week about replacing our many shell scripts (which are causing
> alot of nasty problems on Windows) with a launcher that uses properties files to
> launch Tomcat or the other related tools. I had originally thought about having
> a Java read the properties which would then launch Tomcat. However, you native
> code, especialy with its support for signals and chrooting may be a better
> option. Sure, I would need the native code to read some properties files to get
> classpath and other configurable items, but then I could directly invoke Java to
> run the Tomcat classes.
> Thanks,
> Patrick
> Pier Fumagalli wrote:
> >
> > "Patrick Luby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Remy,
> > >
> > > This is great news!
> > >
> > > I scanned through the Unix code and noticed that it uses the chmod'ing
> > > executables with setuid bits instead of performing a JNI call to the setuid()
> > > and seteuid() C functions before and after binding of a ServerSocket (i.e. the
> > > place you should need root access if you are binding to ports 1 through 1024).
> > > This type of approach eliminates the need for a controller and slave process.
> >
> > Then it's not my code... My code was written using setuid() and seteuid()...
> > Actually, the copy I have here also supports CHROOTING of the whole JVM
> > process, and real/effective group switching (as we say in Italy, "'na botte
> > de fero").
> >
> >     Pier
> >
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