> On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Pier Fumagalli wrote:
>> The only code working is within Tomcat, and it's there already... Look at
>> the API changes in the Connector I pointed out yesterday, and at the
>> different Embedded solutions (like the one Remy did for Win32 services)...
>> The java code is there, the entry points are all there... All we need is a
>> JNI wrapper/invocator which loads the VM, calls initialize(), sets the
>> UID/GID, calls(start), wait for a signal, calls stop()...
> That wouldn't work - if the UID is changed before starting tomcat, then
> it can't listen on port 80.
> The uid must be changed after it start listening, like any unix program
> does. And the wrapper/invocator is just one way to start tomcat - I like
> the flexibility on startup.

Look at the code... Port binding is done in initialize() in Tomcat 4.0

>> implementation, but just comment on the idea... Calling setuid() from Java
>> is crap (design wise), because it's against all design principles Java is
>> based on... It's not portable, and there is already a much better
>> alternative that is completely platform independant... Someone just needs to
>> make it work (I'd give a one-week time to a guy like you to make it run :)
> I don't think Java means you shouldn't take advantage of the platform
> features. You can write platform independent code that is smart enough
> to detect the environment and use it, and provide fallback solutions.

I think that we have a way for doing it, so that is pushing the thing all
way around, having a different invocation API different from public static
void main(Strings []), which handles that case...

That's IMO a lot cleaner, but I'm not fighting about it as FWIW I don't
care. (Kinda fed up with all this fighting).

>>> - Add a "public static native" method in DaemonLoader.java
> The setuid class should be independent of DaemonLoader IMHO,
> people are using all kind of different 'deamon loaders' to
> start tomcat ( the sourceforge wrapper, javaService, etc ).
> Deamon is just one of them.

So, do you want a loader, or a setuid call? PUSH or POP? I'm starting to
loose the point of what you kids want to do at this point...


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