Jan Luehe wrote:
> Hi Costin,
>>But there is still a problem - now if you have:
>>  <logic:iterate id='i' > 
>>  </logic:iterate>
>>  <logic:iterate id='i' >
>>  </logic:iterate>
>>( i.e. the same variable name ), it will fail with duplicated declaration, 
>>the code will be: 
>>   Object i;
>>   ...
>>   Object i;
>>( id is nested ).
> The above code fragment compiles fine for me.
> I've attached the generated servlet code.
> Can you send me the exact page you are trying to run?
> If you could provide the generated code, that would help, too.

If those variable declaration problems are fixed, I'll release a new 
4.1.6 milestone as soon as I can fix the JNDI problems.


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