On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Jan Luehe wrote:

> Costin,
> > - I have a 
> > <bean:define id="a" name="foo"/>
> > 
> > The generated code is:
> >  a = (java.lang.Object) pageContext.findAttribute("a");
> >  a = (java.lang.Object) pageContext.findAttribute("a");
> >  a = (java.lang.Object) pageContext.findAttribute("a");
> > ( i.e. 3 times the same line ).
> > 
> > Not a bug, but strange.
> this turned out to be a bug inherited from the old jasper,
> which did not synchronize scripting variables at the appropriate
> places (as outlined in the "Synchronization Protocol" section
> in JSP.10.5.9).
> I've just committed a fix for this, which should make jasper2
> comply with the spec.

This particular problem wasn't a 'compliance' problem - the result
was still correct, even if computed 3 times.

The real compliance problem that worries me is the AT_END variables
that get generated at the beginning of the file. I'm pretty sure
it's quite easy to run into problems with tags that declare typed
variables, and I'm pretty sure existing applications will brake
( mine did - I had to change some variable names ).

And I would bet most jsp implementations in use are doing exactly
what jasper1 is doing - and changing this will create big problems
( while still beeing non-compiant with the spec, and completely
counterintuitive )


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