Sam Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Pier,
> Yes, I am building on Linux (Redhat 7.3).

Aw... I know there are some issues with APR and ATOMICS on Linux (or was it
Solaris? Need to investigate).

> I see a 
> tempval="--enable-static --disable-shared
> --disable-threads"
> in the configure script.. do I knock of the
> disable-threads?

Quick fix? Edit the configure script and when you see the line
  tmpval=".... --disable-threads"
Change the disable into enable.. :)

Longer fix, edit, patch in the same way, re run
support/ and you'll get a new configure script...

> Do you mean my apr_config (I dont see a apr_config.h
> being created..).

Sorry, me dumb... In the APR directory, it's a file called include/apr.h
(without the config part)...


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