"Arshad Mahmood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Interesting idea to split the static content onto a different server.
> Does anyone know how a browser like IE handles this kind of situation, I
> know that with HTTP 1.1 the server will leave the connection open for
> further requests so that images/styles, etc should be able to go through the
> same connection as the original call.
> Will IE open a single connection to "images.foo.com" to retrieve all the
> images on a page, or will it open a new connection per image.
> What happens with an SSL based page, will I get annoying messages because I
> am getting insecure content. I assume I will have to put an SSL certificate
> on the image server as well.

When using SSL, or if you want to use keepalive fully, the optimal thing to
do for "convenience" would be to do what we used to do @ VNU 5 months ago,
the application is somewhere, and images/static are under a certain path
(for instance in our case /v6_....) . The browser can reuse the connection,
and the server can use the same certificate for both...

The "problem" we're solving by splitting the servers is splitting the load
as well. As you might know, on our www server, when we separated out images
the load went from an average of 3.50 daily, to 1.50, and the images server
is just an very very basic and skinny HTTPd 2.0 with Worker... Far less
heavy than the full web server on the main www... :)


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