Interesting idea to split the static content onto a different server.

Does anyone know how a browser like IE handles this kind of situation, I
know that with HTTP 1.1 the server will leave the connection open for
further requests so that images/styles, etc should be able to go through the
same connection as the original call.

Will IE open a single connection to "" to retrieve all the
images on a page, or will it open a new connection per image.

What happens with an SSL based page, will I get annoying messages because I
am getting insecure content. I assume I will have to put an SSL certificate
on the image server as well.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pier Fumagalli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 2:00 AM
Subject: Re: webapp- who handles static content: Tomcat or Apache

> Pier Fumagalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Cute... You can have some... Visit your local tobacconist.
> > Anyhow, you'll see my reasoning when the article gets published. Few
> > folks having the same problems we do (very high loads + servlets) don't
> > the same problem as well.... It's actually way easier and "better" (in
> > of what solutions it allows you to have), to move them away entirely
> > the web application at all...
> >
> > People doing GIFs HTMLs and CCS are (in our case), completely separate
> > JSP/Servlet writers, so I don't even need to give them acceess to the
> > application files... They can't overwrite or even "touch" any of the
> > content...
> Finally the article (and together with it its full response) is up...
> Page one, at the bottom.
>     Pier
> --
> [Perl] combines all the worst aspects of C and Lisp:  a billion of
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> the readability of PostScript. [Jamie Zawinski - DNA Lounge - San
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