On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Remy Maucherat wrote:

> Yes, but welcome files for non physical resources cannot be implemented 
> (since you have no way of asking a servlet if it can or cannot process a 
> resource).
> I'll implement something which works and which is very close to what the 
> spec requires.
> Again, I have sent many messages to the spec leads about this issue 
> without any result, so I give up ...

The current specification is not implementable for Apache ( or any other 
web server ) - and it breaks every pattern that was used in the web. 

I don't know if we have any representative in the expert group or
what's the procedure that apache follows in voting for JCP specs - 
but if this is not resolved I'll do my best to find out. 

I'm also curious to who is representing apache ( if any ) in the 
JSP spec - I'm still strugling to understand how the TLD stuff
happened and nobody noticed or complained in any way - the whole
'config in web.xml' model is now screwed, with any file ( including
jars ) potentially storing config for web applications. 


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