It has been brought to my attention that some members of the Tomcat 
community have expressed a desire to see a requirement lower than J2SE 
1.4 in JSP 2.0.

First, let me reassure you that the JSP 2.0 specification is not final. 
  Actually, we are in Proposed Final Draft phase, and we are explicitly 
soliciting feedback!  Early feedback is always much appreciated.  As per 
the cover of the specification, the appropriate forum for feedback is 

Regarding the J2SE 1.4 requirement, the expert group discussed the topic 
in early August (as issue "[OTH-17] J2SE Version Requirement") and there 
was concensus from the different experts, but the EG is open to 
additional comments.  You can send mail directly to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or, maybe better in this case, talk 
directly to the Apache representatives to the Expert Group: Ricardo 
Rocha ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Geir Magnusson Jr. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). 
In general the more feedback the rep has from his community the better 
for the Expert Group.

For what it's worth, the only technical reasons we require J2SE 1.4 are:

     1. We require support for JSR-45 (Debugging Support for Other
     2. We declare support for Unicode 3.0 in our I18N chapter.

Actually, JSR-45 is quite important for the platform as a whole.  For 
example, it was recently pointed out to me that there's a bug report 
against Tomcat 5 because we didn't re-implement the pseudo-debug 
comments that Jasper 1 used to create, and that some tools relied on. 
Standard debugging annotations is an important enabler, and it would be 
a shame to have to wait even longer for it.

 From my perspective, the most significant reason to require J2SE 1.4 is 
that it would be best if people can write portable tag handlers that 
utilize J2SE 1.4 libraries, and be able to use them in any JSP 2.0 
application.  Do we really want to stagnate on J2SE 1.2 APIs forever?

I've compiled a list of new features in J2SE 1.3 and J2SE 1.4 that I 
believe would be of use to page authors and tag library developers that 
would decide to use JSP 2.0.  It would be awesome, IMHO, if page authors 
and tag library developers could rely on these features being present in 
any JSP 2.0 compliant container.  This list was also discussed in the 
Expert Group.

J2SE 1.3 adds (among other features):

         * Built-in JNDI
         * RMI/IIOP
         * CORBA ORB
         * PNG support (for image taglibs)
         * Various Security enhancements
         * Improved socket support
         * HTTP 1.1 client-side support
         * DynamicProxy
         * Serialization enhancements
         * Collections enhancements
         * BigDecimal and BigInteger enhancements
         * StrictMath
         * Timer API
         * Delete-on-close mode for opening zip and jar files
         * JPDA tool support

J2SE 1.4 adds (among other features):

         * XML Processing
         * New I/O APIs
         * Security: Java Cryptography integrated
         * Security: GSS-API, Certification Path API
         * Pluggable Image I/O framework
         * Print Service API
         * Standard Logging APIs
         * Long-term Persistence of JavaBeans
         * JDBC 3.0
         * Assertions
         * Preferences API
         * Chained Exception Facility
         * IPv6 Networking Support
         * JNDI enhancements
         * CORBA ORB with POA
         * *** JSR-45 (Debugging Support for Other Languages) ***
         * *** Unicode 3.0 ***
         * Currency class
         * Collections Framework enhancements
         * Built-in support for Regular Expressions

Mark Roth, Java Software
JSP 2.0 Specification Co-Lead
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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