Costin Manolache wrote:
> iasandcb wrote:
>>Now it's almost clear that SRV 2.4 requires JDK 1.2 and JSP 2.0 does JDK
>>1.4. The main issue is discrepancy of J2SE requirement between SRV 2.4
>>and JSP 2.0, which are supposed to come up together.
> Actually, it isn't.
> All we know is that the current draft has this requirement. We should 
> find a proper procedure ( for example a vote on tomcat dev ) and then
> ask our representative in JCP ( Geir for example - he's a very nice 
> person ) to request a change. 
> I don't know what's the proper mechanism yet - but Apache does have
> a representative and a vote, and we should have a way to have the 
> opinion of tomcat-dev expressed.
> If the final JSP2.0 will require 1.4 - then we'll have to do that. It
> would be very unfortunate ( especially for jsp people ), and will
> require ( IMO ) a separate tomcat without JSPs.
> My opinion ( and it seems a lot of people have the same opinion ) that 
> portability ( in the sense of beeing able to run on most OS and platforms )
> seems to agree with what Apache is doing in most projects ( Apache server 
> runs on more platforms than java - and did that even before 'write once,
> run everywhere'). We should first explore the alternative for having this
> opinion confirmed ( vote ? ) and expressed in the expert group. 
> If the EG prefers features over portability - then we need to find a 
> way to create a distribution without JSP ( is this possible ?) and maybe
> compensate by including cocoon or velocity. 

+1 here .

If Tomcat 5 require JDK 1.4, I'll have to stay with Tomcat 3.3.x or 
4.1.x on my Linux and iSeries productions boxes.

Could we imagine alternatives ?

- Tomcat 5 using Serlvet 2.3/JSP 1.2 ?

- Tomcat 5 using Servlet 2.4 and JSP 1.2 ?

- Tomcat 5 using Servlet 2.4 and JSP 1.2 or JSP 2.0
   depending the JVM found at runtime ?

- Tomcat 5 bundled without JSP 2.0 ?

- Tomcat 5 bundled with velocity or tea instead of JSP 2.0 ?

I'm afraid that making JDK 1.4 mandatory for Tomcat 5 (or JSP 2.0)
will delay for a long time its adoption by companies, until all
platform got JDK 1.4, which means for example that people which
use IBM SDK on Linux or mainframes systems will have to wait up
to the end of year ad minima.

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