Costin Manolache wrote:
> iasandcb wrote:
>>Now it's almost clear that SRV 2.4 requires JDK 1.2 and JSP 2.0 does JDK
>>1.4. The main issue is discrepancy of J2SE requirement between SRV 2.4
>>and JSP 2.0, which are supposed to come up together.
> Actually, it isn't.
> All we know is that the current draft has this requirement. We should 
> find a proper procedure ( for example a vote on tomcat dev ) and then
> ask our representative in JCP ( Geir for example - he's a very nice 
> person ) to request a change. 
> I don't know what's the proper mechanism yet - but Apache does have
> a representative and a vote, and we should have a way to have the 
> opinion of tomcat-dev expressed.
> If the final JSP2.0 will require 1.4 - then we'll have to do that. It
> would be very unfortunate ( especially for jsp people ), and will
> require ( IMO ) a separate tomcat without JSPs.
> My opinion ( and it seems a lot of people have the same opinion ) that 
> portability ( in the sense of beeing able to run on most OS and platforms )
> seems to agree with what Apache is doing in most projects ( Apache server 
> runs on more platforms than java - and did that even before 'write once,
> run everywhere'). We should first explore the alternative for having this
> opinion confirmed ( vote ? ) and expressed in the expert group. 
> If the EG prefers features over portability - then we need to find a 
> way to create a distribution without JSP ( is this possible ?) and maybe
> compensate by including cocoon or velocity. 

Personally, I would support 1.3 (and 1.2 assuming you are willing to 
download missing libraries). 1.4 brings I/O improvements so it's a nice 
JDK choice, even if the nio API itself seems useless for Tomcat.

I have no problem with including Velocity if people want it. As for 
Cocoon, it is huge, so this looks like a bad idea.

If you're interested in the issue, you should make a proper call for vote.


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