As someone who is actually using jspc ...

> - In Tomcat 5, all jspc options are removed, in favor of allowing only
> the webapp mode (with its relevant options). This webapp mode would
> generate code and classes which should be deployed in the work
> directory, exactly the same as if they were dynamically compiled by
> Jasper (which has the big advantage of using only one big operation mode
> for everything). Single file mode is IMO useless (dynamic compilation
> works fine).


I actually need real java classes, with a package name I can customize 
and deployed in an arbitrary directory  (outside tomcat tree).

> It has to be noted that:
> - The JSP runtime is now very efficient. The old webapp mode (with its
> static web.xml) is a hack (and a 100% proprietary one at that).

Not sure which 'webapp mode', but generating the web.xml fragment is
an essential feature and 100% standard - it translates JSPs to servlets
and generates the web.xml declarations. After the operation you'll have
very servlets in a standard web.xml.

As for jasper runtime - it can be included in the webapp ( just like any
library ). AFAIK the runtime doesn't depend on tomcat.

> - Precompilation should only occur at webapp deployment time in the
> general case (the generated code is closely tied to the Jasper runtime
> release).

I need precompilation at build time - the distributed .war will have only

> - Additional features could be added to the manager servlet to, for
> example, cause precompilation of the deployed webapp in a separate
> process. - I am -1 to returning to the old "webapp" option behavior (ie,
> the generated files should by default be deployed in the work directory,
> not /WEB-INF/classes).

Again, I must -1 this too.

> <ballot>
> +1 [ ] Remove the options
> -1 [X] Do not remove the options
> </ballot>

I agree jspc needs some refactoring - and only the 'webapp' mode should
be preserved, but I think my use case is valid and should be preserved.

At the moment I only use jasper inside ant - so removing the CLI completely,
removing the javac compilation and so on would be fine ( for me ).


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