Remy Maucherat wrote:
Snif, snif, my Sony Vaio GRX laptop is dead :-(

I was using it for all my TC development, as well as my email. That means I'll waste some time reconfiguring stuff on my desktop (which I was using as a test machine) before I'm up and running again on TC development.

As a replacement, I'm considering getting a Dell Centrino-based laptop (with the 14.1" hi res screen). Any opinion on these ? How's the battery life ?

The trick for the battery is to remove the battery when the ldap top is connected to power for a long time (some hours). So look for a model that is able to work without the battery when it is connected to the grid.
When I am not travelling I unload complety the battery, remove it and store it in a cool and dry place (the dining room!).
I was not doing this with the first battery I had and after 6 mounths I had to buy a new one. The new is now 9 mounths old and it still gives a working time of 3-4 hours.
Of course I have a FSC Lifebook (C Series)!




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