Hate to quote myself, but...
> As I said, the performance isn't a priority here, but rather 
> usability.
> I'm sure that TC guys will be open here, and we will see 
> (perhaps even in
> 5.1) the 'open TC API', that could be directly used, or 
> seamlessly integrated from the native side.
> I would prefer to see that, rather then trying to 'discover' 
> something, and after all it would 'stay in the house', since 
> I wish to make a
> connector(integrator) for Tomcat, not for some xyz container.
> Of course this would imply the firm collaboration with the TC 
> guys, but once again I don't wish to pack/unpack something 
> over and over again (I have JK for that).

The concept (approach) as I see it is to be able to make a connector
(integrator), that would allow the zero-based-configuration. Meaning that
loading a module (filter) will automatically map the Tomcat web space to the
web server.
No matter if the TC was started in or out of the process, and no matter how
much clustered instances exists on different nodes.

If there is developer interest for that, I'm willing to 'shake the things'.


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