Mladen Turk wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Jess Holle

Who ever asked the poor apache admin  about the TC's config ater all?

It really does not matter who the admin is. Even a sophisticated admin is going to want to have file modification dates they can trust on various aspects of the configuration so they can answer "did I change this part?" questions.

Don't think that the current config provides that either.

It does if you use JkUriSet. I have a separate (auto-generated) .conf file for every web app containing mod_jk, jk2, etc, etc, configuration and another auto-generated .conf file for each web app (included by the first) containing any/all Apache-side authentication configuration for the web app.

I can have (and auto-generate) more files per web app, but I (and others I know) won't move to anything that regresses from this level of modularity.

Using a modular multi-XML-file approach does not pollute the result with any additional server-specific or Tomcat-specific baggage. It just makes management and automated configuration/installation much more workable.

In contrary, it makes it simpler, cause you have a common denominator, and
that is 'well documented' config file, usable on any container.

What I'm saying here is that I want modular per-web-app config-file support. I don't care if any/all server-specific and Tomcat-specific stuff is removed from them -- actually that is laudable in the long term even if a bit painful in the short term. I just don't want to be forced into shoving the whole configuration into a single file (or using XML entity reference hacks which are beyond ugly -- and require the main file to be modified to add extra entity references which is highly undesirable).

JkUriSet can be used only on the Apache server.
So, the question is, are we adapting the apache module to other servers, or
we have a
container independent module.

I think you are missing my point:

   Go ahead and remove JkUriSet, just add equivalent functionality to
   do per-web-app configuration files.  Just do it in a
   server-independent, XML-based way this time around.

If you wish to have a few virtual hosts, you will need to apply two
completely different
configurations for each side anyhow (httpd.conf or click-clik and
Having specific directives for each container makes that even more
complicated thought.

I'm just looking for things like:

   * Web app X:
         o jk-mount /x/*, /y/*, and *.jsp
         o map these all to worker X
   * Web app Y
         o jk-mount /m/* and *.jsp
         o map these all to worker Y

   ....and so on....

With the information above (and any other things which are justifiably per-web-app *and* per-web-app support already exists for) be specifiable in separate files, one for Web app X, one for Web app Y, and so on.

Jess Holle

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