jean-frederic clere wrote:
Henri Gomez wrote:

Andy Armstrong wrote:

Mladen Turk wrote:

In contrary, it makes it simpler, cause you have a common denominator, and
that is
'well documented' config file, usable on any container.

Well documented is the crux here for me. Or at least readily understandable. I've just had someone nearly abandon Tomcat altogether because they had a problem (with file uploads) that required the latest version of the IIS connector but they couldn't find out how to configure it.

I find it frustrating that we're an Apache project but we're currently nowhere near Apache in usability terms. Right now running Tomcat with another webserver is a scary proposition.

All the JK code has to do is forward eligible requests from the host web server to Tomcat. I'm afraid that right now it behaves like a self indulgent vanity project with aspirations above its station. With appropriate apologies for the toes that I'm treading on why tge hell is JK so convoluted?

There is weeks I'm thinking about another approach for Apache to Tomcats (AJP13) requests relaying.

My idea is about a new module, only Apache 2.x for now, which will
make use of SetEnv, SetEnvIf, BrowserMath and Location
directives to redirect some URLs to tomcats via AJP.

Everything in httpd.conf, probably that is a good idea. Reusing existing directives also.

Many users complains about problems between Directive, Location, JkMount and of course the configuration complexity of JK and JK2, and yes jk/jk2 are big when you compare them to modules like mod_rewrite or mod_proxy.

What I'd like will be a true Apache module where all settings will
be in httpd.conf, a module where there will be only one way to configure
or define something (which is not the case for JK2 for instance).

After all we're ASF commiter and making a specific Apache 2.x connector
seems a reasonable goal.

The code in jk/jk2 is now so complex that there is only a small
number of people who can be involved in.

Ok, now that I exposed my general idea, I'd like to have your opinion
about what could be a lighter module.

Renew mod_webapp!

mod_webapp was a good idea but :

- It didn't use the de-facto standard AJP13.

- It came too soon, before APR was widely available.

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