Both approaches have their advantages....

Just don't loose the multi-file configuration flexibility given by JkUriSet.

Also, having either XML-based configuration *or* pure .conf configuration would be more easily understood than the current details.

Mladen Turk wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Henri Gomez

Of course all that sounds like JK3, but ...

Did you see my post about a simpler module specific for now to Apache 2.x (2.0/2.1), may be something which could be included in standard Apache 2.x distribution which will save us hours on explaining how to build mod_jk/mod_jk2....

Yes, I did. I read all the replys wery carefully.
Did you understand mine?

What I propose is: 'imagine a TC as a virtual file system'
So, you can 'apr_vfopen(TC/sever, ....)' like opening a file.

You could for examle:

Jk3Mount /*.jsp

and have smewhere something like:

<mapping "*.jsp">
<server name="" factor="10%" />


<mapping "*.jsp">
<server name="" factor="10%" />
<server name="" factor="20%" />
<server name="" factor="auto" />
<server name="" factor="failover" /> </balance>

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