Mladen Turk wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Henri Gomez

Of course all that sounds like JK3, but ...

Did you see my post about a simpler module specific for now to Apache 2.x (2.0/2.1), may be something which could be included in standard Apache 2.x distribution which will save us hours on explaining how to build mod_jk/mod_jk2....

Yes, I did. I read all the replys wery carefully.
Did you understand mine?

What I propose is: 'imagine a TC as a virtual file system'
So, you can 'apr_vfopen(TC/sever, ....)' like opening a file.

You could for examle:

Jk3Mount /*.jsp

and have smewhere something like:

<mapping "*.jsp">
<server name="" factor="10%" />


Well I'd like to see the JK3 or whatever will name the new module to be much more simpler and with less code.

For instance even jk2 inherited many code from jk and since jk was
designed to be WebServer independant we couldn't use the full APIs
of APR and Apache.

That's why I think we should rewrite the jk/jk2 successor with Apache 2.x (2.0/2.1) in mind, using all the power of Apache HTTPD directive,
including mapping discovery and so on.

Ultimatly if we could produce a smaller module, we could then try to
convince Apache 2 team to include it in Apache 2 distribution.

<mapping "*.jsp">
<server name="" factor="10%" />
<server name="" factor="20%" />
<server name="" factor="auto" />
<server name="" factor="failover" /> </balance>

I like the balanced worker definition but for an httpd.conf which more easy for Apache Admins, shouldn't it be :

WorkerType ajp13
WorkerName myworker1
WorketPort 8009

WorkerType ajp13
WorkerName myworker2
WorketPort 8009

WorkerType ajp13
WorkerName myworker3
WorketPort 8009

WorkerType ajp13
WorkerName myworker4
WorketPort 8009

WorkerType lb
WorkerName balanced
WorkerEntry myworker1 10%
WorkerEntry myworker2 20%
WorkerEntry myworker3 auto
WorkerEntry myworker4 failover

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