Remy Maucherat wrote:

My turn :)
Sorry, I won't help code it (well, maybe a little for the Java part); so I don't know if I have a say in any decision, but I though I should participate as well.

- it should be simpler than JK 1 or 2

Of course.

- it should have a name which doesn't confuse folks :)

mod_whatever, I was thinking for something like mod_coyote or mod_jtc.

- Apache 2.x specific using APR (with the goal being the inclusion in the Apache distribution as a default module: no more compilation problems, etc); for other servers, I think we should keep the current JK
- it should try to optimize keepalive if possible for performance

No idea, should take a look more in Apache 2.x :)

- it should support quality of service (messages to notify that a webapp is being serviced on one node, etc)

Simple extensions to ajp13 / ajp14.

We should first determine if Apache2 will have to monitor a service/system links to the various tomcats (in cluster configuration)
to learn about real-time topology.

- (nice to have) it should be possible to configure the cluster dynamically

See previous comment.

- there should be a clear documentation for which connector to use (I'm not talking about specific needs, but general case: one server -> standalone HTTP/1.1, cluster -> mod_newthing)


- the configuration should be in Apache's config file, rather than some complex properties file


- it should have good defaults (I like good defaults :) )

Well we should at least know a default worker.

- it should work well with other modules (I guess if somehow it is accepted into the Apache codebase, it will be required)

That's why we should focus on Apache 2 only module.

- I think the protocol should be an extension of AJP/1.3

I proposed eons ago, AJP/1.3 extension, called AJP/1.4 and it could be a good candidate. In my idea we should start to write an APR based AJP/1.4 library, which could be first used outside Apache 2 server for test and benchs purposes.

Also we should start with something working with both TC 3.3.x, 4.1.x and 5.x.

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