Mladen Turk wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Remy Maucherat

- it should be simpler than JK 1 or 2

That's the general idea

- it should have a name which doesn't confuse folks :)

APR_JAVA as static core lib + mod_javalink?

For example I wish to make a WIN2003 http.sys kernel module.

- No JNI in this module IMO: I think it would be better to have another separate module dedicated to JNI (and trying to use, for example, the in memory protocol handler or similar techniques) if there's interest, rather than add complexity to this module, which has very different needs

As said in the initial post. The JNI has to be a separate project, as well
as any other 'bizarre' communication rather then TCP/IP

Agreed for JNI for jk, I'd rather like to see a return of the old mod_java. TCP/IP and Unix socket could share about 95% of code but
we could start with TCP/IP only.

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