I've said too much on this already, but if you really need 4.1.x and bug fixes thereto, then why not take Tomcat 4.1.30 and patch it as necessary to address bugs of sufficient concern and deliver that to your customer/user base?

That seems like a better solution for all than a 4.1.31 release.

Jess Holle

Shapira, Yoav wrote:

I agree with Jess, this is the wrong direction in principle.  We're
encouraging users to stick with 4.1.x if we do this release.

Normally we have just an informal "if everyone is OK with this, I'd like
to push out release X on this day" and then a vote on labeling it as
stable.  The latter being the only official vote.  But in this case, I'd
want to have a more general vote of should we have 4.1.x maintenance
releases, given the reasons stated earlier in this thread.

If we have such a vote, and if it passes, and if you decide to go ahead
with this release, then you will probably assume responsibility for bugs
filed against 4.1.x.  This is of course unofficial, but nonetheless this
type of arrangement exists with Tomcat 3.3.x.  None of us care much for
the 4.1.x issues now, except that Mark moved the relevant
Connector-related issues from 4.1.x to 5.0.x so that they don't get
dropped.  This type of move, which I didn't like originally, should
definitely be stopped if 4.1.x is still in active development as
indicated by regular releases.

Man this is a bummer going into the weekend ;)

Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

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