I'm not a committer, but I think evidence proves that native sockets +
JNI is the way to go. To my knowledge, weblogic, websphere and Resin
all use native sockets.  having a pure Java approach sounds nice and
all, but in the edge cases where high concurrent connection is needed,
I much rather go with native + jni.

my 1/10th of a cent worth.


On 5/20/05, Remy Maucherat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> > I disagree ;-) I would like to see your implementation, because from
> > what I'm seeing/measuring, it is completely the inverse. I would be
> > interested to see how you did implement your NIO connector. The problem
> > with HTTP is not NIO, but the strategy to use for predicting if you have
> > read all the bytes or not. Falling to implement a good strategy will
> > ends up parsing the bytes many times, calling the Selector.wakeup() too
> > often, thus poor performance. The way you register your SelectionKey is
> > also very important.
> >
> > Also, blocking IO required 1 thread per connection, which doesn't scale
> > very well. That's why I think the new APR connector is interesting,
> > since it fix that problem. But even if with APR, you did workaround the
> > JNI bottleneck by using direct byte buffer, I suspect a pure NIO
> > implementation will perform better than APR (except for static resource)
> > just because of the C->Java overhead. But I don't have yet numbers to
> > show...come to my session at JavaOne, I will :-)
> Sorry, but I agree with Mladen. There is simply no way a pure non
> blocking NIO strategy is going to work. It is an attempt to apply
> receipes which work really well for certain types of takss to other
> types of tasks. Translated, it would work spectacularly well for, say, a
> servlet like the default servlet and a small file (ie, small bufferable
> amount of data + no processing), but fail for a servlet which receives a
> lot of uploading or more generally has a long processing time. The main
> problem is that to keep contention on IO low, a low amount of processors
> has to be used, which is not compatible with the second type of tasks.
> The only way to apply NIO to Tomcat is to use it in blocking mode, as in
> the submitted patch.
> The only way to convince me your solution can work is to (also) write
> your own endpoint / protocol handler (this seems trendy these days for
> some reason, so I guess it's ok if everyone does it ;) ) so I can test
> it myself and see the results.
> As APR matches the numbers of classic blocking IO in the (100%
> throughput oriented, and worst case; at least, it's the case which
> favors regular blocking IO the most) ab -k -c 20 localhost/tomcat.gif,
> it seems hard to beat.
> <rant>
> BTW, about the NIO usage for optimizing JNI, I'm actually really mad
> about Sun. Why attempt to make any JNI calls "safe" and make performance
> suck in the first place, when with native code usage it is trivial to
> segfault the whole process anyway (example: feed APR a bad address) ?
> This really makes no sense to me, and seems simply a plot to try to
> force people to write 100% Java code.
> All that complexity and crappy performance for *nothing* (except helping
> .not and mono, of course) ...
> </rant>
> >> You may tray that simply by using demo HTTP servers
> >> Blocking/Blocking Pool/NIO single thread/NIO multiple threads
> >> that comes with new Java6 (see java.net for sources).
> >
> > Right. This is actually a good example not to follow ;-).
> >
> > BTW the big patch use NIO blocking, which may improve scalability, but
> > will impact throughput. The patch should be improved to use NIO
> > non-blocking. And then we can compare ;-)
> You're going to have to prove your point in a big way ;) There were
> articles on the subject advocating the same thing, but if you looked a
> little into it, you could just see how to make the whole thing break
> really easily.
> Rémy
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