On Wed, Mar 31, 2004 at 01:59:56PM +0200, Dennis Thrys?e wrote:
: I'm still having the problem I already wrote about, as a result of 
: upgrading a tomcat 4.0.1 installation to 4.1.30.

I missed your first message.  If what I say here doesn't help, please
refresh me on the problem.

: [snip] the classes are declared in the package org.apache.jsp.
: Any ideas, how I can make tomcat (jasper?) load the classes that it just 
: generated and then compiled?

So then, you're precompiling the JSPs?

I recall from my 4.x days that precomiling directly into the /work dir
had some issues with package naming.

I don't have any URLs -- do a web search -- but there are examples for
building the JSPs into WEB-INF/classes and having Ant create the servlet
mappings (for web.xml) for you.



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