
I'm having problems including a JSP page from another JSP page using parameters with special characters.

I looked through the archives, but couldn't find anything about this issue.

I can encode a string, and the result is correct

URLEncoder.encode("blåbærgrød", "ISO-8859-1")

But if I make an include with the same value

  <jsp:include page="bar.jsp" flush="true">
    <jsp:param name="word" value="blåbærgrød" />

The special characters are replaced with question marks '?' (%3F). So the query string seen from bar.jsp becomes


In fact the generated java code for the main jsp file contains this string also. So the problem is already during parsing or servlet generation.

The requests character encoding is null. The page directive's pageEncoding attribute is "ISO-8859-1" (or not present - doesn't make a difference.

The user properties user.country and user.language are 'US' and 'en' respectively. Might that be the cause?

The problem is on Tomcat 4.1.29 on Linux.

By the way: I still haven't figured out whether Tomcat 4.1.30 is supposed to be able to run on JDK 1.3.1.

Any help appreciated,


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