
> I have an application running on tomcat4.1.24.

Upgrade. 4.1.30 is latest in 4.1.x.
I can even recommend 5.0.19, that I am running without problems. For some it
has shown to be even faster.

> I force the GC to run so that the memory is freed.

No. You can not. You can tell the system, that it should. You cannot enforce

> What I don't understand why is the total memory maximum.

USE A PROFILER. This is a important step. You may be able to adjust some
parameters to take the OoME to happen less frequently, but it will NOT solve
your memory leaks.

> I want tomcat to deallocate and resize the heap so that the total memory
doesn't max out.

Tomcat cannot deallocate anything, since tomcat is also only a java program.
If you do have memory leaks, no java code can change anything. Solve your

> And also I need the GC to run more aggressively.

There are some VM options that allow you to control the way, GC works. Read
its release notes.

BTW, which VM are you using? Upgrade to latest. It was said, that where were
StringBuffer memory leaks in at least one of the recent versions.


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