255 is as high as apache will go without recompiling. Therefore, it wouldn't make a difference if I go higher on the tomcat end either, right?

Trieu, Jason T - CNF wrote:

It could be a bug in your servlet that hangs your connection or you
might actually have a big enough load to max out your number of
concurrent Tomcat threads (maxProcessors).  If it is load, you should
look into increasing your maxProcessors.  Make sure though that you have
enough JVM heap memory (Xmx parm) to handle it or you will run into
OutOfMemory error which is worse than out-of-connections.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Gibby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 9:43 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat performance issue?

I have this same problem. It creeped up without any configuration changes on 4.1.27
It doesn't always print this error message out, but the effect is the

SEVERE: All threads (75) are currently busy, waiting. Increase

maxThreads (75) or check the servlet status

My apache config:

Timeouts: connection: 300    keep-alive: 300
MPM Name: Prefork
MPM Information: Max Daemons: 255 Threaded: no Forked: yes <IfModule
StartServers       8
MinSpareServers    5
MaxSpareServers   20
MaxClients       255
MaxRequestsPerChild  1000

Tomcat config:
              port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="255"
              enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
              acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="60000"/>

Hey, I just realized something... I think I have been having lockups around every 16 hours... 60000 seconds! So what does that mean about this configuration?
Why is the connectionTimeout being reached? I think I had set it to a really high number because I figured I didn't want anything to ever hit

Is some servlet not returning content but hanging on to a connection?

Could you explain a little further about 'bug in a servlet causing it to

not return'?
I have a stack trace, but I don't see how that helps me figure out where

my problem might be... I'm not sure what exactly to look for.

Daniel Gibby

"David Rees" wrote:

Like the messages say, all Tomcat threads are busy and you've hit the maximum number of threads which can be processed concurrently. Sounds like you've got either a bug in a servlet causing it to not return, or your server is simply overloaded. You can get a stack trace from the JVM to help debug this issue pretty easily.

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