I'm sending my JVM stack trace to see if any of you are better at reading it than I am. ;-)

I'm guessing that you can somehow tell by looking at the stack trace whether the connections between apache and tomcat are somehow being held onto or locked waiting for something and not released. Maybe a database connection is not released? Maybe apache graceful causes the problem? Any input is appreciated.

Thanks for your help!

apache version 2.0.40
mod_jk 2.0.2
tomcat 4.1.27 and 4.1.30

I've attached the javacore file (I stripped out classloader lines since they take up the majority of the file) Let me know if you need to see those.

Daniel Gibby

David Rees wrote:
Daniel Gibby wrote:
Tomcat config:
               port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="255"
               enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
               acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="60000"/>

Hey, I just realized something... I think I have been having lockups
around every 16 hours... 60000 seconds! So what does that mean about
this configuration?

connectionTimeout is defined in milliseconds, not seconds, so that is 60
seconds, not 16 hours.

Is some servlet not returning content but hanging on to a connection?

Could be, or could be that your server is really busy.  When you look at
the server-status through Apache, does it show 255 processes busy as well?

Could you explain a little further about 'bug in a servlet causing it to
not return'?

You could either have a deadlock (synchronization issue) in your code, or
an infinite loop.

I have a stack trace, but I don't see how that helps me figure out where
my problem might be... I'm not sure what exactly to look for.

Compress it and post it to the list or put it on a public webserver so we
can take a look.



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