luckily I have a license of Borland OptimizeIt.
What I do is I start tomcat using OptimizeIt. Then I create a test plan in JMeter. 
Once tomcat is running, I warm it up by sending it a couple hundred requests to make 
sure all the pages are compiled.
before the test starts, use OptimizeIt to garbage collect. Once that is done, I start 
the test and look at the number of threads and size of the heap. If there's a memory 
leak, either the thread count will increase, or the heap will grow rapidly. Once I see 
either one, I then switch to the call graph to get a better picture of which methods 
are getting called. Usually, that is enough to point towards a culprit.
repeat, and rinse as many times as needed until you've squashed all bugs and leaks.
peter lin

Matt Woodings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just read your post this morning (I am lurking today as I have a few
issues of my own to clear up :-) ) and I think that is some really good
advice you gave. I do have a question though.

Once you have noticed you have a memory leak, how do you go about locating


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