    I am having a problem with Tomcat 5.0.19 on windows with JDK 1.4.2_02.
The memory that java.exe is using keeps growing till the point that tomcat
stops responding. 
    Using a profiler, doesn't seem to give me any clues. I can see the
memory being used by certain classes go up (mainly char[]) and even reach
all the way to the point that used java heap equals to the java heap, but
then GC kicks in and drops down back to where it was when I started the
test. However, the memory in the task manager keeps going up. For example
right now it is at 717,000 K, even though the heap used is at about 200,000
K. What am I missing here?
    My current params are -server -Xrs -Xms356M -Xmx356M - I tried all kinds
of different sizes for the memory but that doesn't really help. Any
suggestions as to where (how) to look to find my memory leak?
Chanan Braunstein
Knovel Corp.
Web Development Manager
607-773-1840 x672

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