On Sat, May 15, 2004 at 03:17:02PM -0400, Kevin D. Offet wrote:
: i don't know about other OS, but the process control features of the
: bash shell on linux would allow what i think you are trying to achieve.

Yes, shortly after I posted that message I did more digging on Java
threads and realized the flaw. ;)  Back to the ListenExec idea...

: String command = "/where/your/script/lives/scriptname restart& disown";
: getRuntime().exec(command);

Called from the container, that may cause other problems: Runtime.exec()
forks a process from the parent JVM.

Solaris, for one, implements COW for fork()'d processes but still
requires there be enough memory for the new process to have a full copy
should it need it.  On a dedicated machine, when the JVM holds most of
the RAM, that would make the fork() impossible.



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