On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 06:25:46PM +0200, Endre St?lsvik wrote:
: Do you really deny that mod_jk is somewhat hard to install? I mean,
: probably 50% av the "OH MY WHATEVER - I CAN'T GET THIS TO WORK!!!" mails
: are related to mod_jk..

Yes, but "posts to list" != "users."

:   Even if it isn't for anything else, a transparent forwarding mechanism
: between a "specific subset of the server's URL namespace" (quote from
: ServletContext) of the server holding the listen call at port 80, and
: Tomcat, will always be needed, I believe.

Some people use mod_proxy for just this reason.

If mod_jk isn't to your liking -- and I see there have been a fair
number of gripes (warranted or not, I won't answer to that ;) -- then
you're free to write another.

Some would complain that creating Yet Another Connector isn't the
answer, but nor is Staying Unhappy With What's There, Knowing It Won't
Change The Way You Want It.



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