You're right about jvm.dll... one typo and a bunch of cut-and-paste.

None of the options you mentioned worked. Starting with using the ZIP file
directly, I apparently have some JAVA_HOME or CLASSPATH problems that
prevent the service.bat (is that the one I want to install the Windows XP
service?) from completing. I've never had to pay a lot of attention to
CLASSPATH at the Windows level, since I use WSAD/Eclipse. JAVA_HOME is new
to me, and I was counting on the installer to take care of this mundane

That said, I *did* set JAVA_HOME to both the public J2RE1.4.2_07, and the
full J2SDK1.4.2_07 on separate installer attempts, along with adding the
respective /bin directories to the Path. No go either.
Installing to a directory without spaces (C:\www\tomcat5.0) didn't help. In
any case, Windows hasn't had a problem with spaces in directory names since
Win2K, so I'd be surprised if that were truly the problem.

There are a zillion programs that use Windows installers successfully, and
if I read the mail archives correctly, Tomcat didn't used to have this
problem in versions prior to 5.0.19.

Does the installation process actually transfer control to the JVM partway
through (which is what "Using jvm ....jvm.dll" implies)? If so, what would
prevent that transfer of control to the JVM? I've successfully compiled and
run Java applications in WSAD/Eclipse on this machine, so there is nothing
inherent in my Windows setup that is JVM-unfriendly. Perhaps there's a fix
around the corner?


-----Jason Bainbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: -----

To: Tomcat Users List <>
From: Jason Bainbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005-02-28 08:37PM
Subject: Re: Installation problems on Windows

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 17:26:31 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I hope this message makes it to the list (my Welcome email didn't include
> the examples of the proper email command syntax, only the headings...?)
> The Tomcat 5.x binary installer for Windows hangs at the point where it
> says it's using the dvm.dll. This is true under all the following
> circumstances:
> -Windows XP Pro, SP2
> -JRE 1.4.2_06 (picks client/dvm.dll)
> -JDK 1.4.2_07 (picks client/dvm.dll or server/dvm.dll, seemingly at
> -JRE 1.4.2_07 (picks client/dvm.dll)
> -fresh install (with reboot) of each of the JDKs/JREs above
> -Tomcat 5.0.28 (should be okay with 1.4.x, right?)
> -Tomcat 5.5.4
> -Tomcat 5.5.7
> -leave the partially installed Tomcat directories and registry entries
> intact on subsequent attempts
> -remove the Tomcat directories and registry entries prior to subsequent
> attempts
> -allow Tomcat to use default installation directory (C:\Program
> Files\Apache Software Foundation\...)
> -TinyFirewall enabled, and disabled

1. dvm.dll do you mean jvm.dll? Thought it was just a typo at first
but it's consistent through your email.

2. Try installing to a directory path without spaces, Windows is
really tempermental about such things.

3. Ditch the binary installer and just download the .zip, if need be a
Windows service can be easily installed using the batch file that
comes with the .zip

4. Try explicitly setting your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point
where you want it.

One of those should set you right.


Jason Bainbridge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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