On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 10:16:14 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Yes, those are the path(s) I've used... including \bin in the path, and
> using the immediate parent directory of the \bin for JAVA_HOME. The
> following JREs and JDKs have been tried. Also, I've tried pointing the path
> and JAVA_HOME at the JRE, and the JDK for each version.

Okay lets go back to basics.

1. Install JDK 1.5

2. set JAVA_HOME to the base directoty of the above install something
like C:\JDK1.5.0_01

3. You do not need CLASSPATH set nor does java need to be in the PATH,
JAVA_HOME is the only variable that is expressly needed, in a default
setup the setting of CATALINA_HOME can safely be done by Tomcat as it
starts based on the current directory. In fact having these set
especially the CLASSPATH  could cause problems.

4.  Download 5.5.7.zip and from

5. Extract jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7.zip to C:\

6. Open a new command prompt (must be a new one to ensure the latest
environment variables are used.

7. navigate to C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7\bin then run startup.bat

8. what happens?

Jason Bainbridge
http://kde.org - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal Site - http://jasonbainbridge.com

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