I am sorry, the box runs a Solaris 5.6 instead of 2.6
as I said before. But still you are probably right, it
would be better to get a new OS installed.

I didn't use ndd commands to set the TCP parameters.
So even though we have the session timeout set to 5
minutes at the tomcat level, that parameter is not
honored by the operating system?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I think some of the problem is at the OS level....
> You can set a session time at the tomcat level, but
> the default solaris TCP timeouts are hours long.   I
> hope you used the ndd commands to set the TCP
> parameters for short web sessions.
> Also, Solaris 2.6 has a bad thread model and there
> are numerous patches required to run it with  any
> recent Java 2 distributions.   To use the 1.4.xxx
> JVM would require about a dozen patches.
> It would be way better to try to get Solaris 10
> installed on this box  -- It handles the ndd setting
> for you and is way faster on the same hardware. 
> [even solaris 8...]
>  -------------- Original message
> ----------------------
> > What does "netstat -nt" show?
> > You may have enough connections going that old
> ones 
> > have to time out before you can establish a new
> one.
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jeffrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 2:16 PM
> > To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
> > Subject: Tomcat 5 slow, it's in production, please
> help!
> > 
> > 
> > I have a apache/tomcat environment that has some
> > problems recently. The environment has the
> following:
> > 1.  Apache 1.3
> > 2.  Tomcat 5.0.28 (Max memory 384mb)
> > 3.  JDK 1.4.2_06
> > 
> > My apache has MaxClient set to 256 (apache
> default).
> > The maxThread for tomcat is 500. The site is a
> > database driven site. 
> > 
> > It seems working fine when load is low. But when
> there
> > are more than 150 threads (from the sever status
> view
> > of the tomcat manager), it's response time is very
> > slow (5 - 10 minutes). I have tested the database
> > connections, they seem responding fairly well.
> > 
> > Interesting thing is that most of time the slow
> > response time only happens when a user login. Once
> the
> > user login and get the main menu page, the user
> will
> > get a good response time. Is it related to
> KeepAlive
> > connections. 
> > 
> > Another strange thing is that many threads always
> show
> > up in the server status view on the tomcat html
> > manager page even though I am sure the request has
> > gone (I tested this by making a request, then
> close
> > the browser).
> > 
> > My CPU usage is low when the slowdown is
> experienced
> > (Using the top command on this solaris box which
> has
> > old solaris operating system 2.6? with 1GB memory.
> > 
> > I set the session timeout time to 5 minutes, but
> in
> > the session view of tomcat manager, I see message
> "30
> > - <40 minutes:136 sessions". How a session that is
> > more than 30 minutes is still there. Maybe I don't
> > understand this message correctly.
> > 
> > Please advice. This is a production machine. Helps
> are
> > greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Jeffrey.
> > 
> > 
> >             
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