Mark Dzmura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks:
> I have received but a single response to my multiple posts regarding Tomcat 4
> Beta 6 and Apache, but, alas, it, was not helpful. Given the otherwise high
> level of activity on this list, I must again ask this question:

Sorry... I just subscribed :(

> "Is anybody on this list successfully using Tomcat 4 with Apache??"

Well, the WebApp module just went thru its first public release :)
I don't expect it to work out-of-the-box :)

> As an example, the "snoop" JSP provides reasonable values when executed from
> port 8080 but reports mostly null's and -1's, when executed from port 80.

My bad... The C part is fixed.. I'm fixing the Java part, and it should be
working by tonight.

> I have also rebuilt mod_webapp with --enable-debug and see NO DIFFERENCE
> WHATSOEVER in the log contents.

That's weird...

> Any ideas at all would be appreciated.  If I don't get any responses I will
> have to conclude that nobody is actually using Tomcat 4.  However, I find it
> difficult to justify that conclusion for a distribution in its 6th Beta!!

It's the 6th beta of Tomcat, but the first one for the WebApp connector...
And as I hear of more bugs, I'll fix them... Thank you very much for your
feedback, and for posting the bug on BugZilla...

(BTW, if you're trying out mod_webapp, and find some bugs, please use
BugZilla <>, as I get notified right away)


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