
(I sent this last night, also - but it never seemed to make it too the list.)

SUCCESS!!  But first...

The Java part of the webapp connector does not build for the lack of the
following constant definitions in class org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.Constants:


I looked in the C code for corresponding definitions, found them, and added them
to the Java code.  Built and installed the new stuff.  Checked the old example tests,
then went to the app using getParameter() and found them to WORK.  YES!!

Maybe the next thing is to run the JSP test suite...

Thanks for knocking out these fixes so quickly - great job!


> I just closed bug # 2777. Can you please check it works with the latest CVS
> snapshot? THANKYOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! :) :) :)
>     Pier

Mark Dzmura
Digital Mission LLC

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