
I use Visual Age for Java .

When I need to debug Tomcat stuff, I load Tomcat through VA, and then set break 
points. And I I configure Visual Age appropriately, I cen even go into the Tomcat 

However, I test all my stuff on Tomcat/Sun JRE. That's because code that works within 
VA won't necessarily work in the Sun JRE. Have'nt figured out why yet. 


20/10/2001 10:28:07 AM, "Dr. Evil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>This is very painful.  The log() facility is great... in classes which
>have the appropriate servlet packages imported.  However, if I am
>using other classes which don't import those packages, then I don't
>have log().  System.out.println() doesn't display anything to console
>or any logs.  Running Tomcat in a debugger is challenging.  I'm left
>with... hmm, not much other than throwing exceptions, but that's not a
>good way to see something in operation.  So how do people debug with
>Tomcat?  If there is no way to look at internal state of methods as
>they are going, then that is a major, major failure of the product,
>right?  Even a simple method can have some logic errors in it.  I
>can't imagine trying to write a large, complex class without any form
>of debugging.

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