> Well, have you checked the log files ?

Yes, they work great, except they only exist if I import the various
Tomcat packages.  Unfortunately most of the work is being done in
classes which don't import the Tomcat stuff, so basically I have these
large-ish class files which I can't debug and which can't log
anything, so all I can do is make changes to them, restart the server,
and hit reload, and guess at what may or may not have happened.  This
is extremely painful, given that these classes are doing SQL stuff, so
plenty of things can go wrong there.

> Guys like Craig etc, have been pointing to the xml configuration
> files. I'll go take a look myself.

I'll take a look into it.  It would be wonderfully awesome to be able
to get a little debug message from some of these classes.  That would
basicly spend my development up by literally ten times or more.  My
project is basically stopped now because I can't figure out what's
going on in one of these classes.

> Well, I guess that's why I'm interested in Smalltalk :-) (Aargh ! no
> flames please !)

Java is great in many ways but it seems like it is very painful if you
aren't very good at it, which discourages people from becoming very
good at it, I think.

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