On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Simon Stewart wrote:

> The workers can be called anything you want them to be (for example, I
> use "tomcat1") What tends to happen is that people take their
> (working) apache 1.3.x + mod_jk combo and use the same config files
> with apache 2.x and mod_jk2.

Well... I was thinking of ways to disable this 'feature'...
Some feedback on this would be great.

First, I am hoping to slowly deprecate the configuration 
in terms of 'workers'. 

What you should configure is channels. The names can be
anything, but URL-style constructors are much cleaner
( and may become 'required' ).



Each channel will be associated with a worker automatically,
using ajp13:localhost:8009, etc.

In addition, now all channels are automatically added to
the default worker ( which is now the 'lb' worker ). 
So if you define one or many channels, and set the 
worker to lb ( without any other special configuration )
you'll get everything working (I hope ) easier.

Going through the lb has a minimal overhead, but greatly
simplify things and enables many other things.

There is a second change ( not yet implemented, but 
high on the list ) in the 'lb' configuration. Instead
 of 'workers' we can use 'groups' and 'instances'.

An 'instance' ( the name is not yet clear ) is a VM running
tomcat ( coresponds to the jvmRoute - used for sessions ).
A 'group' is an lb worker forwarding to multiple tomcats.

What I would recommend for configuration is mapping all
webapps to a 'group' ( even if you have a single tomcat
instance ). If you later add more tomcats you'll have
minimal changes ( hopefully - none !). 

There are 2 major advanced use cases:
- a pool of tomcats running the same apps. That'll 
be the easiest to configure, the default (lb) worker
will just do that.

- different pools of tomcats, each with different 
apps. That's where groups can help.

The goal is of course to have the minimal ammount of 
work - the worker and lb configuration can be greatly 
automated ( we're trying to get each tomcat to 
register automatically when it starts with jk ). 

What do you think ? The last part is still work in
progress, and all of this would benefit a lot from
your feedback.


> On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 10:09:42AM -0400, Anthony W. Marino wrote:
> > The example for "mod_jk2" shows a worker's config for "AJP13" but I thoug=
> > ht=20
> > that "jk2" is "AJP14"?
> > 
> > Anthony
> > 
> > 
> > > Thanks to Michael Delamere and Pascal Forget, I'm happy to shout out
> > > that there's a HOWTO for setting up Apache 2, mod_jk2 and Tomcat on
> > > Linux (and therefore probably other UNIX flavours)
> > >
> > > It's linked from http://www.pubbitch.org/jboss
> Cheers,
> Simon

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