Hi ,

      i need  help please in two subjects .. My problems are what
configuration I should have to do in the server to prevent:

 1)       Prohibit downloading the *.jsp files from any client on the
internet... [ I noticed that if  I wrote the URL of my site ending with
myFile.JSP  [ JSP in Capital letters] the page not opened ! , but  the
server offered me to download the file it self ! ..Which I don’t want
any user knows this property to download my own source-code jsp files!

 2)       My application  is  depend on a password authentication  , which
I don’t want  any cracker to keep trying usernames/passwords for 
many tries ..  How should I tell the server to block an ip after 3 times
tries [for example] and for how long this ip will be blocked!

  are thses problems related with the Apache server or Tomcat serve or both
of them !!.. does anyone face like these problems ?! 

 Java_lover : Walid 

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