Thank you!

I just upgraded to 2.0.14 with no change in behavior.

I suppose I am a bit confused, and perhaps a bit of detail on what I have 
done might help.

I open mysql with 
where nexw is the username and there is no password.

I have already used two different grants:
         grant all privileges on mydatabase/* to nexw@localhost;         <a 
guess because the next try didn't work
         grant all privileges on mydatabase/* to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  <which works on wintel and linux

server.xml has this context for the program:
                 trusted="false" >
I am not aware of anything else I need to tell tomcat, particularly since 
that context statement works on both WinME and Linux, and this is OS X.

Among the things I have tried is to create a Mac User called "nexw", with 
no password and no root privileges.  Perhaps OS X requires that, which 
means this my problem is less a tomcat problem and more a Darwin-user 
(ignorance) problem.

Looking at mysql:user and mysql:db, nexw is clearly a registered (with 
mysql) user with granted privileges, for both localhost and for 

That summarizes the problem, thus far. Maybe that will animate more ideas.

Thanks again.

At 05:46 PM 7/7/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>2.0.8 is a very old driver.  The current version is 2.0.14
>I don't know how you granted permissions, but do something like ...
>(assuming root for username and admin for password) ...
>start mysql, then
>grant all on *.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by "admin";
>Then "use mysql" and select * on user, make sure your grant took
>If everything looks cool and it still doesn't work, check that your
>server.xml is configured correctly for your context and datasource.

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