Been wondering some things about this thread --

Jack, what UNIX user owns MySQL? Likewise, Tomcat? And what UNIX user
are they each being run by?

> I continue to get the sql exception using the above software and
> mm.mysql 2.0.8 drivers.
> MySql is 3.23.51 downloaded from
> I have granted permission to the program for both localhost (a guess) and 
> localhost.localdomain (which I needed on wintel and linux).
> While roaming with google, someone 
> ( 
> l+java) solved (I think) the same problem by making a new root user with 
> host = % (I confess: I have no idea how to do that!).  I tried making my 
> program (the name I use to open a connection to mysql) a Mac User.  Nothing 
> changed.

Do you mean to say that you tried adding a UNIX user called mysql? Did
use chown on the mysql distribution to change the user/group
appropriately? Did you set up your sudoers and use sudo to run mysql?

> I see several candidate avenues of inquiry:
>       tomcat 4.0.4 has problems with this configuration (I think very unlikely)
>       mm.mysql 2.0.8 is the wrong driver for 3.23.51
>       3.23.51 (being a very recent release) has some problem
>       my configuration of the database with permissions is not consistent with 
> OS X needs (works fine on wintel and linux, however).
> Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Jack


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