At 03:22 PM 7/9/2002 +0900, you wrote:
> > Thanks, Joel.
>If it doesn't load the examples, I'd be surprised if it really wanted to
>load your servlet. (I have been surprised before.) Usually, if it
>doesn't run the examples, it isn't running, and what you're really doing
>is serving the Tomcat example pages from apache.
>Is apache running? That could be getting in your way. Check the web
>sharing (ohwhatisthatcalledinEnglishMacOSX?) control panel (???). It's
>there with file sharing. Interpret "web sharing" as meaning apache.
>Even if you had no problems getting apache and Tomcat running together
>on the Linux and Windows set-ups, you probably want to shut it down
>while setting Tomcat up on the Mac.

I confess, apache was running.  I shut it down and restarted. No change in 
behavior either for examples or my wiki program.
I went in to my .login and removed CLASSPATH and CATALINA_HOME.
JAVA_HOME is set to /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home

Looking at another post written by Martin Jacobson to a different user, I 
changed JAVA_HOME to /usr

No change.

Changing debug to 99 as suggested by Martin Jacobson in a message to me 
today shows that booting examples is failing with "Exception starting 
filter Set Character Encoding"  with a ClassNotFoundException at line:1406

Loading the wiki program still fails precisely where I throw a 
RuntimeException because the database returned the SQLException about 
"Server configuration denies access..."

>If apache is not running, and your servlet seems to be trying to run,
>have you perhaps edited the examples context instead of copying it and
>making a new context for your servlet to run in?
> > The404 message says the requested resource is not available, but
> > the log says it's doing a class not found problem on a filter.  I just
> > downloaded tomcat 4.0.1 (because that's what I'm running on linux) and 
> it's
> > doing the same error on the mac.  I found some stuff with google that
> > suggests I not put anything specific to tomcat (except, perhaps, the
> > specific servlet classes) in my CLASSPATH. There is, in fact only the path
> > to the servlet classes themselves as a hedge.  Perhaps that should be
> > removed.  Right now, I don't see the link.
>I'm thinking I didn't mess with the CLASSPATH for Tomcat 3.3, but my
>memory may be wrong. I'll check when I get home tonight. (I've got it
>set up on my own iBook.)
>What's your server.xml look like? Have you set that (and the stuff it
>refers to) up properly? Read the comments and the XML declarations in
>there and check them against the docs again.

I have the same simple <Context assignment that has run fine under wintel 
and linux.  It sits just above the examples <Context declaration and just 
below the manager <Context declaration.
It looks like this:
         <Context path="/wiki" docBase="wiki"
           reloadable="true" debug="99" trusted="false >

> > So back to owners.
> > I followed the instructions from an OnJava article on installing tomcat.
> > Tomcat is owned by Unix user 'jackpark', while mysql, also installed
> > according to an OnJava article, is owned by (originally) Unix user 'mysql'
> > and now Unix user 'wiki'.  I'd like everything to be owned by 'wiki'
>I think there should be no problem with that, although it isn't really
>necessary. You can control who can run as whom with your sudoers file.
>Are you setting the users up from the users control panel (???) or from
>the network administration app? The latter is the one you want to be
>using for users that are there just to run apps under.

the user 'mysql' was created in the NetInfo Manager by cloning another user 
per instructions in an OnJava article on setting up mysql securely.  As 
part of the debugging process, I created the new user 'wiki' in the 
preferences User panel.

If there is one single uniform resource that explains all of this without 
requirement of an enormous amount of a priori tacit knowledge, perhaps one 
just for OS X, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

>Remember to keep root login disabled as much as possible.

Will do!

> >(which
> > has a password) because that's the user that a webmaster will have access
> > to.  chown -R is used on the mysql installation. the user 'jackpark' is
> > running both.
> >
> > I'm not sure what subdoers means,
>sudoers is the file in /etc somewhere (my memory is bad today) that
>tells sudo which users are allowed to pretend to be whom.

found it. It's in /etc just as you said. Is there any simple way to browse 
these Unix directories from Aqua (like there is with linux?)

> >but I almost always have to use sudo to
> > do everything.
>I hope that doesn't mean that you're doing "sudo root" to run this all.
>If you are, get your sudoers file set up so you can get away from that.
>I think there's a man entry on sudoers, but if not, read the entries on
>sudo and su very thoroughly. It may take an hour to understand, but
>it's definitely worth the effort.
>BTW, the openBSD site (and they'll say mean things at me for increasing
>their traffic) has some excellent manual pages on line:
>Plug "sudoers" into the search form. You'll need to remember that there
>will be some differences, since Darwin is derived from the freeBSD, but
>I find the discussions very helpful.

Ok. That's going to take a while.

> > Right now, mac autoboots to jackpark. I'll drop that when
> > it's ready to get plugged into the web.
>Whatever user(s) you run mysql, tomcat, and whatever else as, make sure
>they are users that can't log on.
> > Is there some hint that everything should be owned and run by one user?
>I don't think so. It may help you to keep track of things. It may not.
>I'm pretty sure I had a separate tomcat and mysql user in my set-up at
> > I'm beginning to suspect that there are problems with this 'picture.'
> > (mostly made by my ignorance), particularly since two different tomcat
> > builds refuse to run their examples.
> >
> > Perhaps you'll see what's wrong with this picture.
>At first, it seemed you had some confusion between the mysql permissions
>system and the UNIX permissions system. But it looks like that isn't the
>problem, after all.
>Let's see. You said you had the driver in place. You said you were able
>to log into mysql, so your sockets must be okay. I guess I'm out of
>ideas, unless your contexts have got something in them that doesn't work
>on Mac OS X. How's the case sensitivity? No, if it's working on
>MSWindows, then you shouldn't be getting bit by case conflicts.

Ok. It's going to take me a few hours to digest all this.

Many thanks again to all who have responded to my problem (ignorance?)


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