I actually think what most scares people from opensource is this "it's
free, do not complain" attitude... But I agree that the way this guy is
writing is offensive.
  Well, although I get worried when someone with 20 years of experience
can't install some RPMs, I think it's time to stop this thread. This
list already clutters my inbox, and this is getting dumb.

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 11:46, Hamilton, Andrew wrote:
> You know what really bothers me about this whole thread:  Tomcat is free.
> What right does anyone have to complain about free stuff?  That's like
> complaining cause someone gave you free beer but it said Generic on the
> label.  It might not go down as smoothly but the effect is the same.  I
> setup Tomcat without problems in minutes.  But then again I read the docs.
> It was a challenge to get through some of them but I managed to do it.  Me,
> I only have 8 years of experience as a developer and systems admin.  All
> that experience must be doing something to the guys brain like turning it to
> mush.  I'm a serious advocate of open source in all its guises and I do
> appreciate this list and the help I get from it.  Fortunately I don't have
> to ask many questions because mostly I can search the archives and someone
> has asked it before me and gotten the answer.  So for my part I want to
> thank you all.
> Regards,
> Drew
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 8:33 AM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: I donīt understand the objective of this open list !
> You're forgetting that Tomcat is a reference implementation.  Nobody is
> positioning it as a be-all, end-all commercial solution.  
> If you use JRUN, you are tied to Macromedia forever.  You automatically lose
> portability, you automatically lose customer base because there are many
> tech-savvy customers out there who are very aware that the same
> functionality can be had for free, you automatically lose the ability to
> adapt the product to your needs, and you automatically put the
> responsibility for the security of your company's (and your customers')
> intellectual property and proprietary information into the hands of a
> third-party company that a) has no fiduciary responsibility to you, your
> customers, or your company (read Macromedia's EULA), and b) is driven solely
> by profit.  Talk about a house of cards.
> So, if you'd like to abdicate all of that responsibility in return for a
> nicely bound paperback book with icons and a table of contents, and a nice
> installer that does things to your system in a fashion that prevents you
> from ever finding out exactly what it did and why, then by all means
> purchase JRUN or any other product.  Don't make the bogus jump from that
> decision process to a decision process that leads you to believe that JRUN
> is better just because it has documentation.
> Your 20 years of technical experience sure hasn't helped you with your
> reasoning, logic, and deduction skills.  Perhaps a Critical Thinking class
> at the local community college would be beneficial.
> BTW, if you'd like to pay me $1000 (same price as JRUN), I'll write the best
> documentation you've ever seen, and even put it into a nice little book for
> you.  But then, that would be proving how ridiculous your posts, reasoning,
> and assumptions are, and I have a feeling you're not that dumb.
> John
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike DiChiappari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 7:37 PM
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: RE: I donīt understand the objective of this open list !
> > 
> > 
> > Notice that I didn't ask a question JOEL BERGMAN (are you a Jakarta 
> > developer).  I simply chimed in when someone else expressed 
> > dissatisfaction with this list.  I have been disappointed and 
> > frustrated by the **** that is called documentation.  I stopped 
> > trying to get tomcat to work properly over a year ago.  Recently I 
> > looked into it again, and noticed little to no improvement.
> > 
> > Note that my background is technical, with over twenty years of 
> > building commercial quality software.  I don't believe in a lot of 
> > pie-in-the-sky ideals in terms of software development.  I rate 
> > software on three important criteria: does it do what it is intended, 
> > can it be used easily, and is it maintainable.
> > 
> > In terms of tomcat, I give it a grade of incomplete on all three of 
> > the above.  I can not tell if it does what its supposed to because I 
> > can't get it to work with a reasonable amount of effort.
> > 
> > Here if my contribution to Jarkata and people looking for a low cost 
> > Java solution.  Use JRUN (discalimer: I am not affiliated with 
> > Macromedia in any way).  It is under $1000 and includes a full J2EE 
> > implementation (JSP, servlets, EJB).  It looks like the installer 
> > does all the stuff that mod_jk, mod_jk2, and mod_web are supposed to 
> > (if anyone could get them to work).  A development version is 
> > available for free.
> > 
> > Mike
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > >  > -----Original Message-----
> > >>  From: Mike DiChiappari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >>  Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 4:37 PM
> > >>  To: Tomcat Users List
> > >>  Subject: Re: I donīt understand the objective of this open list !
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>  I know the reason for this list - at least as it applies 
> > to Jakarta.
> > >>  It is meant to address the complete lack of adequate documentation
> > >>  for tomcat.
> > >
> > >Are you volunteering to write some, Mike DiChiappari?  That 
> > is how things
> > >get done: someone DOES them.
> > >
> > >If you don't know enough, you could skim the mailing list looking for
> > >questions, finding out when they were answered to the questioner's
> > >satisfaction, and using that as your source material.
> > >
> > >Or do you just want answers to YOUR questions?
> > >
> > >   --- Noel
> > >
> > >
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Felipe Schnack
Analista de Sistemas
Cel.: (51)91287530
Linux Counter #281893

Faculdade Ritter dos Reis
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