> From: "Denise Mangano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 8:49 AM
> Subject: RE: [OT]JSP defense - can you point me in the right direction

> More importantly, they are not 'validating' their choice of CGI, they are
> just opting for the quickest and easiest solution.  And the only reason
> they suggested it in the first place is because one member mentioned
> having some working examples of forms using CGI, but this member is
> on the DB... not the site.  Honestly if they could defend their decision
> well as the list defends NOT using CGI, then there would be cause for
> discussion. If this project wasn't a great opportunity for me, I wouldn't
> otherwise want to be involved with this team.   So I stick to my original
> plan of being 'anti-CGI' and will explore the number of solutions that the
> list has provided and present them with all the "evidence" and hopefully
> open their eyes :)

They're suffering from myopia. What they see is not CGI. What they see is
"Sam is half way done, so we want to continue on this path".

The problem, of course, is simply that Sam is not half way done. He's not
even close. He has a model built from popsicle sticks and rubber cement.
Unfortuneately, the Powers That Be cannot discern this model from the final
application. So, they take this popsicle stick model to the gorge, see that
it goes half way across and say "That looks like a bridge to us, let's
finish this one!".

All fine and dandy until the trucks come to cross or the gorge floods.

They need to be convinced that they have a rough prototype, a stab at
proving some basic technologies, or perhaps work flow. A nice sketch. Did it
ever occur to them that these CGIs were used as a tool to simply validate
the schema the DB folks were using?

The tenet "Write it once, throw it away and write again" comes to play here.
Convince them that there are wonderful lessons to be learned from this
effort, but it should not be a foundation for the final application. Once
they're convinced that they have gained all they can from the system they
think they have, then they'll be much more likely to be willing to toss it
out and start fresh.


Will Hartung

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