Eric J. Pinnell wrote:
|| Hi,
|| For the JK2 connector you should use the 2.0.2 source.
|| Then compile with:
|| ./configure --with-apxs2=/path/to/apxs
|| then make
|| then should be in down in the build directory.
|| You need to manually copy the file to the apache modules directory.
|| The complete step by step is in the archives.  But that's the long
|| and short of it.
|| -e
|| On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Simon Pabst wrote:
||| hmm weird, should be there after a successful make with
||| no errors, what connector source release did you download?
||| What was your jk2 configure?
||| If you used --with-apache2 instead of --with-apxs2 then mod_jk2
||| won't be built as .so but instead as static module into httpd core.
||| Maybe its somewhere else, try a find:
||| find /path/to/jk - name '*.so'
||| At 14:23 24.07.2003 -0400, you wrote:
|||| Ugh...I've seen this posted before but I don't use mod_jk2 so I
|||| didn't pay much attention to the answer.  It will be in the
|||| archives somewhere, or perhaps someone else has the answer.
|||| John
|||| Mark F wrote:
||||| The compile completed with no problems but there is no 'make
||||| install' it says to remember to execute
||||| 'libtool --finish /usr/local/apache/modules' so I did but it
||||| didn't do anything that I can see.  Also I can't find a
|||||  in the jk/build/jk2/apache2 directory there is
||||| mod_jk2.o but no ? Thanks,
||||| -Mark

Source is 2.0.2, Platform Solaris 8

Still doing the same thing.  My configure is simply:
 ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs

Everything but a .so file is created in the build directory.


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