Hallo DaB.,

(German for a safer choice of words)

danke für Dein jahrelanges Engagement. Ich kann selbst höchstens
ahnen, was es bedeutet, ein Projekt wie den Toolserver zu
administrieren. Aber ich denke, alle Achtung, sowas ehrenamtlich zu
stemmen, ist echt eine große Nummer.
Danke auch für Deine Fairness, uns so früh Bescheid zu sagen bzw.
Deine frühere Ankündigung jetzt so verbindlich zu wiederholen. Das
schätze ich sehr, ebenso wie Deine Bereitschaft, Dein Wissen
weiterzugeben, bevor Du Dich zurückziehst.
Und schließlich auch danke für Deine ehrliche Mail. Ich finde Deine
Entscheidung schade, Deine Gründe sind für mich aber auch


2013/5/29 DaB. <w...@daniel.baur4.info>:
> Hello guys,
> I just extended my personal account until 5. January of 2014 – it is the last
> time I do this. At this day I will also remove my access as root of the
> Toolserver. Beginning of 1. July I will start my fade out, doing less and less
> work for the Toolserver until I am not longer visible. I announce that this
> early because I think it is fair for you to know that will happen and I like
> not just to vanish like some roots before.
> There are 4 main factors why I decided to not continue my work until the end
> of the Toolserver in December 2014.
> Reason 1 is that the Toolserver now has a second paid root and 6 months will
> be enough to teach amette and nosy what I know about the Toolserver.
> Reason 2 is that there was no real investment in the Toolserver in the first 6
> months of 2013 and I very doubt that there will ever be any in the second half
> or beyond.
> Reason 3 is that I learned during the last weekend that the support of the
> Toolserver in the board of WMDE reached its minimum.
> One board-member announced publicly during the general meeting of WMDE that it
> is good that there is a timetable for the Toolserver now – I know only 1
> timetable for the Toolserver and that’s Silke’s <s>plan of destruction</s>
> roadmap for migration [1].
> Another board-member told me during a chatting in the halls that ToolLabs (or
> the move to) is "klasse" (~great).
> It is impossible to improve the Toolserver against the CEO *and* the board of
> Reason 4 are you, the tool-authors.
> The participation in my survey [2] was pitiful low and the majority of these
> few who voted, voted to leave the Toolserver as soon as possible or this year
> – a trend that was already visible on the mailing-list before. So I conclude
> that the most of you don’t care and whose care will leave this year.
> While I asked for documentation (or at least correction) in the toolserver-
> wikis for years, nearly nothing ever happened. But now that ToolLabs is on the
> horizon you write documentation for THAT – freely.
> And it is really a joke to compare the empty new database-servers of ToolLabs
> with our old and heavy loaded servers for performance. Let’s see how fast they
> are if 10 slow queries, which had run for hours, run in parallel.
> With very few exceptions none of you helped to protect the Toolserver against
> ToolLabs; all you were interested in was that ToolLabs provides the same
> environment so your tools can continue to run there. When I read such phrases
> like "we have to stabilize the Toolserver until Labs is ready" or now "we need
> the Toolserver for redirects to ToolLabs" I could vomit!
> I promised in November 2012 that I will stay for another year and I will
> fulfill that promise – but not a day longer. There is no point in fighting for
> something if the something has already surrendered and no support is there
> (not from you, the toolusers, the board of WMDE, the CEO of WMDE or the
> general meeting of WMDE).
> These of you who are able to move to ToolLabs I wish luck. Let’s hope that the
> WMF does not decide to "re-focus" again too soon. Let’s hope that the WMF does
> not disable tools just because there are a little slow. Let’s hope that the
> WMF does not restrict the database-tables even more. Let’s hope that the WMF
> does not kick the volunteers out completely some days like they did with the
> WMF-wiki-admins some weeks ago. And hoping is all we can do, because the WMF
> is a undemocratic construct and ToolLabs is lead by paid roots, so whatever
> the WMF staff decides will happen.
> Maybe if one of these things happen you will remember the tiny, slow,
> unstable, but free Toolserver — but it will not be there anymore.
> Sincerely,
> DaB.
> [1] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Tool_Labs/Roadmap_en
> [2] https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Labs-Moving-Survey
> --
> Userpage: [[:w:de:User:DaB.]] — PGP: 0x2d3ee2d42b255885
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Silke Meyer
Internes IT-Management und Projektmanagement Toolserver

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Obentrautstr. 72 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 260


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