This list has the largest collection of grumpy old farts possible and I say
that with some reality and kindness.  :)

You know who you are.  You sit in your shack and do nothing but complain.

How many of you GoF's have actually done any mentoring or Elmering.  What
have you done to protect and build the legacy of amateur radio?  When was
the last time you invited anyone into your shack?

Clearly, if you are not part of the solution, you are actually part of the

I have lost track of how many club meetings I have presented at, but it is
a significant number.  I can tell your type as your eyes glass over at new
ideas.  You have no desire to learn or expand your skills.  This is NOT
what got you to this point in the hobby.  Look back to your early years of
Ham radio?  Wow, there was so much cool stuff to learn, try and even fail
at.  Now, you are afraid to give anything new a shot.

“Once you stop learning, you start dying” –Albert Einstein

Mike va3mw
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