People have been cheating forever and it will never end.  Cheaters need to be dealt with and ignored.  They cheat to get an award they have to pay for.  Cracks me up.  They cheat to win a contest where the prize is a 50 dollar plaque.  I don't compare what I do to others.  My DXCC is mine alone.  What anyone else does with their awards is up to them.

I can't be too bothered by something I have zero control over.  I will not let cheaters ruin my fun.


On 1/11/2020 3:19 PM, DXer wrote:
This is likely the only thing we agree on on this thread. The unethical use of remote receivers.

>>This link can be found on the Internet :

And unfortunately, open to licensed hams only since last week. Talk about facilitating bad pratices! SWLs were shut out, even though they are likely the main 'providers' of those remote receivers.

I said in another venue, where this was also being discussed, that it should be the other way around.

It always boils down to the following: If you use/like it it's hamradio, if you don't (for whatever reason) it's not.

Look at DXpeditions. For those that did not succeed, it was the worst DXped of the year. For the others, the best.

Any 'greater than 2 cells brain' ham can see the irony.

Deal with this problem before haranguing those using legal modes ethically!

Vince, VA3VF

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